We are Greenitives
/by PatriciaConnecting

Greenitives is a full-service marketing agency for animal health and animal nutrition companies in the animal feed business. The company was founded in 2019 by Patricia Bruinsma, active in the animal feed business since 2003. We believe animal nutrition & animal health marketing should be more than presenting science in a flat Powerpoint presentation or a standard brochure.
Science is sexy and deserves to be presented based on a true and creative story. Since the start, Greenitives gets the trust from start-ups and long-established companies in the animal feed business to translate science to true stories with an impact. And we are proud of that!
We create marketing concepts for animal health and animal nutrition companies. We only need half a word to develop your solutions to the finest detail. Why? Because we know the people and truly understand the language of the animal feed business. This is our story …
Once upon a time, a marketing student was meeting the owner of an animal feed additive company in a local pub. The student was in need of a work experience place and the feed additive company was curious to learn more about the buying behaviour of farmers. After interviewing and meeting numerous farmers, participating in exhibitions and finalizing a market survey, it was about time to start the first job after graduation.
Next challenge: develop an innovative animal welfare concept for piglets. The newly graduated learned about product management, managing field trials and introducing a concept to the animal feed business.
watch our story in 30 seconds

In 2007 the next call to prove, expansion of the horizons. For many years now, the focus has been on international business development and the exchange of scientific and technical product knowhow to a network of key accounts, distributors and agents in the European animal feed business.
Access to an international network of feed ingredient producers, animal feed nutritionists and animal health scientists transformed “the outsider” into a partner in dialogue when it comes to animal feed ingredients and additives.
Along the way, a passion developed to connect science with creativity. We believe science is exciting, and science is sexy. We also believe that the animal feed business is like showbusiness… No Show, No Business ;-) We get inspired by The Walt Disney Company, one of the world leading storytellers. Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere! This is how we create chemistry based on your science.
What’s your story? We would be pleased to connect with you.

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